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make no exceptions中文是什么意思

用"make no exceptions"造句"make no exceptions"怎么读"make no exceptions" in a sentence


  • 不容许有例外
  • 不许有例外


  • You must all be here at 8 am ; i can make no exceptions .
  • As everything has fault , software makes no exception and the inevitability of fault and the complexity in finding and correct them are determined by the characteristics of software
  • With the swift and violent development of the modern science and technology , the information technology taking network and multimedia technology as the core has already permeated through all respects of the human being ' s social development . the educational field makes no exception . in respect to teaching , it not only causes the changes of the teaching environment and teaching means , but brings a series of more important changes ? renewal of educational thought and educational idea , especially of teaching system , methodologies , contents , etc . the environment of the network has the characteristics of real - time , interaction , opening , interesting and sharing
用"make no exceptions"造句  
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